Infinite Peg Solitaire - My Favorite Mathematical Game

7th Industrial Engineering and Management Seminars
Mathematics is an area of knowledge recognized as important in the current world, particularly in the development, research and innovation in Science, Engineering and Technology. However, the relationship between students (and not only) and Mathematics is not always peaceful and the discipline is often seen as a bugaboo impossible to understand. In this seminar I will use the game Resta Um Infinito to show that Mathematics, in addition to being understandable, is truly beautiful, challenging and, at times, surprising. Come play, learn Mathematics and, who knows, win a few prizes!
Pedro Matias
Faculty of Engineering | ULusófona
Bachelor in Technological Physics Engineering at IST (1998), Master in Mathematical Physics at Cambridge University (1999) and PhD in Mathematics at IST (2006). Post-doctoral researcher at Radboud University Nijmegen (2006) and Assistant Professor at the Faculty of Engineering of the Catholic University of Portugal (2006-2012).
Between 2012 and 2020 he was Project Coordinator at the Agency for Assessment and Accreditation of Higher Education. Since 2021 he is Associate Professor at the Faculty of Engineering of ULHT. His scientific interests lie in the areas of Dynamical Systems, Differential Geometry and Symplectic Geometry.